Friday 15 October 2010

Apparently if I wear my hijab I'll be left boneless & diabetic!...? Wait... Whaaat?

Oh no! Apparently if I wear the hijab it might cause my body to slowly shut down due to a... vitamin d deficiency...? Overreaction much? I think so. Ok, so I applaud the people (sarcastically) who are trying their hardest to make it seem like modesty is a bad thing & all we're doing is increasing our chances of getting bone deficiencies. But could you expect any more from these people?
    To those who are wondering what the heck I'm talking about, have a look at this article here.

OH OH! Bradford is mentioned in this too! A proud day indeed for all of us. Not.

  I have a serious problem with this article and the researchers who conducted this! So apparently if I wear my hijab outside, I'm going to increase the risk of having bone deficiencies, diabetes, heart disease etc. Uh, what? I'm sorry, I didn't realise that the millions of women not only wearing the hijab, but the niqab aswell are all fracturing their bones & getting diabetes as we speak? ’sis, I just got diabetes’, ‘shut up! Me too!’ ‘I heard it’s ‘cos we wear the hijab’, ‘for real? Better take it off then sis before we get Crohn’s disease ’. When did this happen & why were we not informed by the hijab wearing ladies from previous generations about the monstrous effects hijab can have? How very irresponsible of them! *rolls eyes*.  My aunts wear the niqab and so many of my family friends do too, but guess what? They're all amazingly, OK! (Alhamdulillah). You wanna know what causes the diabetes in our cultures? Lots & lots of sugar! Take jalebi for example it’s literally boiled sugar. Better give up the Jalebi before you give up the hijab sisters!
   So I'm not saying that the researchers are completely wrong here either, 'cos yeah the more sun your skin is exposed to the more vitamin D you're likely to have in your body. However, I'm sick to death of people trying to find new ways of slating modesty. There’s other ways you can get your daily injection of Vitamin D. How you ask? Through vitamins and the food you eat. (Do a quick Google’ing to find out which foods contain the most Vitamin D ladies!).
   Are these same people who said this:
"People may be at risk if they are South Asian, African or African-Caribbean and have low exposure to sunlight, for example if they observe Hijab or do not spend much time outside."

expecting us to take off our hijabs and go traipsing around with our flesh out to up our vitamin d? Uhhhhh, nuh. What about the women who wear hats when the suns out? Surely they aren't getting too much vitamin d either. Oh & FYI, it's not only Muslims who like to dress modestly. So do Jewish women or women with a bit of common sense ('cos seriously why would you wanna be treated like a piece of meat with all your flesh hanging out for the boys to wag their tongues at, if you had common sense?). So why is it Muslim women are targeted only in this research. It's just laughable.

   Oh & please (I'm begging you!) for anyone out there who's thinking of using this as a new excuse to not wear the hijab, don't even think about it! If you use this as an excuse, are you trying to say what Allah has ordained for us to do as His command is deficit in some way? 'Cos sister you're better off having a slight deficit of vitamin D than having a deficit of Imaan =)

    P.s. If you're seriously worried, then pop over to your local Holland & Barrets and pick yourself up some Vitamin D tablets. Woohoo. Problem solved ladies! May Allah keep us all strong and healthy! Ameen.


Proud Hijabi said...

Assalam alaykum,

That 'research' article sounds ridiculous indeed. Hijab actually can protect you from UV Rays and skin cancer.

It is recommended:"When you are out in the sun, wear clothing to protect as much skin as possible. Clothes provide different levels of UV protection, depending on many factors. Long-sleeved shirts, long pants, or long skirts cover the most skin and are the most protective."

(Ref:American Cancer Society)

Cover? These people must be out of their mind then innit? :O lol

But bottom line is we cover because ALLAH commanded us too and He is the protector and sustainer :)

Anonymous said...

Jazak'Allah for your input sis. Couldn't agree more!

Bab said...

If you live in the UK you're going to die of vitamin D deficiency regardless... anyone ever see the sunshine out here? maybe for 5 mins each year!

M said...

Haha! Too right :p x

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